factorsynth prototypes (c) 2014-2017, Juan Jose Burred www.jjburred.com/software/factorsynth/proto.html CHANGE LOG ---------- 3/3/2017 - v0.4 - Control of analysis paremeters: window and hop lengths. - New connection button: clear diagonal. - Possibility to record input sounds from line in. - Input sound visualization. - Support for AIFF and mp3 input files. - Input and output managed by buffers~ instead of direct file writing. - Base and activation labels. - Fixed memory leaks. - Added individual activation and base sliders and reset buttons. 30/8/2016 - v0.3 - First Max version 7/6/2016 - v0.22 - New option -w to control analysis window length. - New option -v to control overlap factor. 31/5/2016 - v0.21 - New option -s to output separate input and output components. 19/5/2015 - v0.2 - Added cross-synthesis with injective mapping. - Better memory management. - Clearer output display. 30/8/2014 - v0.1 - First command-line version.